The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) is re-tendering the provision of its external legal services. Organisations interested in tendering to provide these services are invited to express their interest now.
As a multi-disciplinary professional regulatory organisation, the IFoA requirement for legal services is diverse. Whilst the IFoA has a solid in-house team providing expertise across the regulatory, disciplinary, corporate legal and other fields throughout the IFoA's Directorates, the IFoA is looking to appoint a panel of external legal providers to assist on an ad hoc or project-related basis across a number of practice areas.
Duration of contract is: 5 years with an option review and break at 2.5 years
A global guide to VAT: 20 countries covered As business grows more global, and the rules constantly change, the challenge for in-house counsel and tax managers is intensifying. This guide focuses on the supplies of intangibles, such as services, IP rights and digital content, with 20 country overviews including the UK, China and Germany. Download