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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel

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The latest from Corporate Counsel

Teaching Market Basics to Occupy Wall Street Protesters Top
On the streets of Lower Manhattan, the protesters at Occupy Wall Street get an on-the-spot lesson from educator Amy Whitaker about the history of U.S. finance and how the market works.
Both Pro and Con Voices on Volcker Rule Agree on Its Impact Top
This week, the Federal Reserve put forth its changes to how Wall Street banks will be allowed to operate in a proposal outlining its version of the so-called "Volcker Rule."
Looking for Legal Work? Become a Patent Lawyer Top
As national employment trends continue to be bad news for the jobless and underemployed, the legal profession is also posting declining employment numbers. With one big exception, that is: the current boom in jobs for patent attorneys.
Google, T-Mobile Urge ITC Not to Disrupt HTC Imports in Apple Patent Fight Top
Google and T-Mobile submitted separate third party statements to the ITC, explaining why Apple's request for an import ban on HTC's devices would harm consumers.
S.F.'s Fight With Cellphone Industry Tests Compelled Speech Top
The wireless industry is trying to block San Francisco's novel cellphone "right to know" law on grounds it forces, not hinders, speech.
Patent Reform's Reduced 'Best Mode' Requirement Creates Uncertainty Top
The America Invents Act guts a longstanding principle of U.S. patent law: the requirement to disclose the "best mode" of practice for an invention. Lawyers say the change may create problems for clients and adds uncertainty to patent applications.
Attack of the Wi-Fi Patent Troll! Top
An infamous patent troll has once again launched a series of lawsuits. Since March, Chicago-based Innovatio has been suing restaurant and coffee shop chains that provide Wi-Fi to customers.
Going In-House at Apple with Steve Jobs' Former GC Top
Former Apple general counsel Daniel Cooperman talks about working as Steve Jobs' top lawyer at Apple, where in-house legal issues were key to the corporate culture that the former CEO so painstakingly tended.
2011 Law Department Compensation Benchmarking Survey Top
News reports about the overall U.S. economy may still be trending negative, but there is good news on salaries and bonuses in the results of our 2011 Law Department Compensation Benchmarking Survey.
Google Your Company's Code of Conduct Top
The information that consumers share with companies such as Google and Facebook pales in comparison to information that companies have about their employees and customers. What are employers doing to protect this data?
From the Experts: Secret Agents Causing FCPA Violations Top
If your company has ever obtained official documents in Nigeria, 'touts' have likely paid cash to government officials on your behalf. And with or without your knowledge, touts may have caused your company to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Moves: They Might be Giants Top
New Save the Redwoods general counsel goes from small-firm lawyer to in-house counsel at a nonprofit that has been protecting redwood trees from deforestation and development since 1918.
Congressional Supercommittee Picks Michael Bloomquist for GC Role Top
The so-called Congressional "supercommittee" is beginning its work on drafting plans for reducing the U.S. debt, and one of the first pieces of business was naming Michael Bloomquist as its general counsel.
Moves: Nicholas Eldred Goes from BBC GC to Christie's Counsel Top
Stepping from the telly to the auction block, Nicholas Eldred is departing his general counsel post at the British Broadcasting Corporation to become group general counsel at Christie's, the international auctioneer.
Wal-Mart Associate GC Joseph West Moving on to Lead MCCA Top
Joseph West, associate general counsel for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., is leaving his post to become president and CEO of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, effective September 12.
Q&A: Incoming Recording Industry Chief Sherman Targets Piracy Top
In September, the Recording Industry Association of America gets a new leader, Cary Sherman, who has been the group's president for the past 10 years after serving a previous stint as its general counsel.
Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Wellpoint Top reporter Shannon Green talks to general counsel John Cannon from Best Legal Department 2011 Finalist Wellpoint.


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