The latest from Corporate Counsel
- Google Facing Possible FTC Antitrust Investigation
- What the Coming Sky's-the-Limit Top-Level Domains Could Mean for Trademark Law
- The Smart Money
- 10 Big FCPA Compliance Tips for Small Legal Departments
- To Restrict Pepco Documents, Court Requires Proof of 'National Security' Threat
- Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright Suit Over Tyson Tattoo
- Sullivan & Cromwell Hits RIM with Smartphone Infringement Suit for Dolby International
- An ICE Storm of Immigration Audits is Coming
- ITC Survey 2010: The Slugfest Continues
- Missing Something? The Other Side of Unclaimed Property
- From the Experts: Bankruptcy and E-Discovery
- Moves: Covington Partner Anthony Herman Named FEC General Counsel
- Moves: Susan Hackett Leaves Association of Corporate Counsel
- Moves: Casey Jorgensen Becomes First GC for USA Hockey
- Moves: Mary Jane Saunders is The Beer Institute's New GC
- Moves: Rich Baer Gets GC Spot at UnitedHealth Group Incorporated
- Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Google
Google Facing Possible FTC Antitrust Investigation | Top |
On Thursday, the FTC announced plans to launch a formal investigation into Google on antitrust grounds. The commission's primary focus will be allegations that Google's search results unfairly favor its own services over others. | |
What the Coming Sky's-the-Limit Top-Level Domains Could Mean for Trademark Law | Top |
Earlier this month, ICANN approved a plan to allow generic top-level domain registration of almost any word in any language. IP expert Geri Haight talks about how the introduction of so many new domains may affect trademark law. | |
The Smart Money | Top |
According to IMF (Australia) Ltd. managing director Hugh McLernon, his company is the origin point for the attention third-party litigation is currently getting in the U.S. and UK. | |
10 Big FCPA Compliance Tips for Small Legal Departments | Top |
To Restrict Pepco Documents, Court Requires Proof of 'National Security' Threat | Top |
The D.C. Court of Appeals gave the city's Office of People?s Counsel, the agency tasked with representing utilities consumers, a win over electricity provider Pepco in the ongoing investigation into a June 2008 outage. | |
Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright Suit Over Tyson Tattoo | Top |
Warner Bros. has inked a deal to settle the copyright infringement suit brought by S. Victor Whitmill, the tattoo artist who claimed that the tattoo on Ed Helms' character in The Hangover Part II duplicates the one that Whitmill designed for boxer Mike Tyson. | |
Sullivan & Cromwell Hits RIM with Smartphone Infringement Suit for Dolby International | Top |
One day after Nokia made patent peace with Apple, Dolby International sued Research in Motion for allegedly infringing BlackBerry audio patents. | |
An ICE Storm of Immigration Audits is Coming | Top |
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is cracking down on employers to ensure compliance with workplace eligibility laws. What can your company do to prepare for a possible immigration audit? | |
ITC Survey 2010: The Slugfest Continues | Top |
CorpCounsel's in-depth annual look at patent cases filed with the International Trade Commission. | |
Missing Something? The Other Side of Unclaimed Property | Top |
Unclaimed property laws are often unfamiliar to businesses and their lawyers. As states escalate the use of these laws to generate revenue, companies and counsel need to prepare and mitigate the potential financial impact. | |
From the Experts: Bankruptcy and E-Discovery | Top |
Parties to bankruptcy litigation have plenty to keep them busy. Don't let e-discovery issues make the process even more cumbersome. | |
Moves: Covington Partner Anthony Herman Named FEC General Counsel | Top |
Covington & Burling partner Anthony Herman was named general counsel of the Federal Election Commission, replacing acting general counsel, P. Christopher Hughey. | |
Moves: Susan Hackett Leaves Association of Corporate Counsel | Top |
The Association of Corporate Counsel announced that longtime GC Susan Hackett is leaving, effective June 30. Hackett will be starting her own Washington, D.C.-based consulting practice, Legal Executive Leadership. | |
Moves: Casey Jorgensen Becomes First GC for USA Hockey | Top |
Longtime hockey fan and player Casey Jorgensen skates into a new role as USA Hockey's first GC. | |
Moves: Mary Jane Saunders is The Beer Institute's New GC | Top |
In a "subs to suds" move, The Beer Institute, the national trade association for the brewing industry, has brought on former Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust GC Mary Jane Saunders as its new general counsel. | |
Moves: Rich Baer Gets GC Spot at UnitedHealth Group Incorporated | Top |
UnitedHealth Group Inc. has brought on ex-Qwest Communications International, Inc., general counsel Rich Baer. | |
Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Google | Top | reporter David Hechler toured the unusual office spaces occupied by Best Legal Department 2011 Winner Google. | |
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