The latest from Texas Lawyer
- Mark Cuban's Summary Judgment Motion Goes Viral
- Commentary: Seven Deadly Myths of Cross-Examination
- Rules Fiasco, Education Programs Stand Out in Tottenham Term
Mark Cuban's Summary Judgment Motion Goes Viral | Top |
Dallas Mavericks owner and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban is no stranger to legal disputes. Now, just a few weeks after the Mavs won their first NBA championship by beating the Miami Heat, Cuban's lawyers from Fish & Richardson filed "World Champion Dallas Mavericks and Radical Mavericks Management's Motion for Summary Judgment" in a case against Ross Perot Jr. Thomas Melsheimer (pictured) is one of the Fish & Richardson lawyers representing Cuban. | |
Commentary: Seven Deadly Myths of Cross-Examination | Top |
Cross-examination perhaps is the most difficult skill for trial lawyers to master, writes Quentin Brogdon. Many lawyers seem to believe that effective cross-examination skills are the exclusive province of the lucky few born with the necessary innate talents. But any trial lawyer can develop a minimum level of skill in cross-examination through practice and a thorough study of the relevant principles. | |
Rules Fiasco, Education Programs Stand Out in Tottenham Term | Top |
The overwhelming rejection of proposed amendments to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct looms like a dark cloud over what otherwise was a successful year for State Bar of Texas President Terry Tottenham (pictured). Tottenham says he accomplished the goals he set for his term, which ends June 24 when he passes the gavel to Bob Black. | |
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