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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel

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The latest from Corporate Counsel

Coca-Cola CEO Pans U.S. Business Environment, Praises China Top
This week, Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent opened a can of controversy in an article that quoted him criticizing the U.S. as a place to do big business and praising the environment for commerce in China.
That's Entertainment Top
There's no business like the legal side of show business for the executive vice president and general counsel of Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc.
How Much are the Lawyers Making Off of the NBA Lockout? Top
The lockout threatening to scuttle the 2011-2012 season for the National Basketball Association entered a perilous new phase as the league postponed training camps and canceled 43 preseason games. How much are the two sides spending on lawyers as they attempt to strike a new labor pact?
From the Experts: SSL Hacked! Top
The extensive hacking of SSL in 2011 proved that the enterprise can't rely on encrypted communications, but corporate counsel are in a strong position to champion a fix.
Verizon Backs Samsung in Fight Against Apple Injunction Bid Top
Verizon Wireless came to Samsung's aid in its defense against a preliminary injunction bid by Apple Inc. in a patent suit pending in federal district court. Verizon's amicus brief argues that the injunction would harm Verizon and consumers.
Big Win for Monsanto in Seed Patent Case Top
Monsanto Co. has scored a win for its genetically altered seed patents at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In a unanimous ruling, the court denied a farmer's right to replant seeds, obtained from a grain elevator, that weren't sold under a license agreement but contained patented technology.
When Everyone's a Publisher, It's Time for 'IP Law 101' Top
In the era of blogging and social networking, it's not just traditional publishers that are producing editorial content. Legal departments in many industries need to brush up on the laws behind copyright infringement, defamation, and privacy.
Help, My Lawyer is a Dominatrix! Top
A prominent lawyer in the New York State Attorney General's Office was recently suspended for doing work as a dominatrix. Is your company prepared to deal with the legal and publicity implications of employees' behavior outside the office?
Who Represents America's Biggest Companies? 2011 Report Top
Our annual look at the law firms retained by America's 100 biggest companies shows that many of the names have stayed the same, but the larger picture has changed. We also profile 4 pairs of company/counsel to see how the relationship works.
From the Experts: Read the Fine Print Before You Tweet Top
With the boundaries between the personal and professional realms now blurred, the question of "personal privacy" vs. "company policy" is inevitably encountered. And with the arrival of Google+, those boundaries promise to become all the more hazy.
From the Experts: Seize the Day Top
The right question for the evolving legal services industry is not "How are law firms planning to adapt?" but "Who decides what the industry will look like?" And the answer is, "The general counsel."
Moves: They Might be Giants Top
New Save the Redwoods general counsel goes from small-firm lawyer to in-house counsel at a nonprofit that has been protecting redwood trees from deforestation and development since 1918.
Congressional Supercommittee Picks Michael Bloomquist for GC Role Top
The so-called Congressional "supercommittee" is beginning its work on drafting plans for reducing the U.S. debt, and one of the first pieces of business was naming Michael Bloomquist as its general counsel.
Moves: Nicholas Eldred Goes from BBC GC to Christie's Counsel Top
Stepping from the telly to the auction block, Nicholas Eldred is departing his general counsel post at the British Broadcasting Corporation to become group general counsel at Christie's, the international auctioneer.
Wal-Mart Associate GC Joseph West Moving on to Lead MCCA Top
Joseph West, associate general counsel for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., is leaving his post to become president and CEO of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, effective September 12.
Q&A: Incoming Recording Industry Chief Sherman Targets Piracy Top
In September, the Recording Industry Association of America gets a new leader, Cary Sherman, who has been the group's president for the past 10 years after serving a previous stint as its general counsel.
Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Wellpoint Top reporter Shannon Green talks to general counsel John Cannon from Best Legal Department 2011 Finalist Wellpoint.


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