Law Journal Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel ~ lawyer,attorney,legal information
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel

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The latest from Corporate Counsel

Starbucks General Counsel Retires, Joins Obama 2012 Campaign Top
Paula Boggs, GC for coffee giant Starbucks, announced that she is retiring this spring in order to join President Obama's 2012 re-election team as a community advocate.
'BRIBEline' Report Shows Corporate Bribery Trends in U.S., Abroad Top
For law departments and compliance officers that have focused their efforts on the risks of bribery in foreign countries, a report focusing on U.S. corruption, put out this week by anti-bribery group TRACE International, may be cause for some concern.
Churchill Downs GC's Home-Stretch Contract Talks with Jockeys' Guild Top
Thoroughbred racing is the latest entry into the arena of tough sports-contract negotiations, and the general counsel of Churchill Downs Inc. is publicly jockeying for position with the Jockeys' Guild.
Underwriters Reach $417 Million Settlement in Lehman Class Action Top
For all that went wrong at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., securities class action plaintiffs lawyers have had a lot to overcome in litigation related to the poster child for the financial crisis.
Genomic Health Associate GC on Medical Patent Protection Top
Kathleen Determann, associate general counsel at Genomic Health, talks about why she believes patent protection is so critical for the personalized medicine industry.
The 2011 Patent Litigation Survey Top
Judges and lawmakers are working to deter patent suits, but you wouldn't know it from the results of the 2011 edition of our annual Patent Litigation Survey.
Intellectual Property: Trademarking Colors a Tricky Business, But It Can Be Done Top
Since we do not live in a black-and-white world, color has always been a part of branding and advertising. And for some products and services, color is the primary focus of branding efforts.
How Technology is Making Corporate Lawyers More Powerful Top
In 'Constitution 3.0: Freedom and Technological Change,' Jeffrey Rosen looks at how technological developments are driving legal battles to come, and making in-house counsel more powerful than the Supreme Court.
2011 Law Department Metrics Benchmarking Survey Top
CorpCounsel's look at law department spending, staffing, salaries, and more, based on survey responses from more than 200 in-house counsel.
From the Experts: Information Governance and Its Impact on Litigation Top
While word processing, social media, and email have made it easier to create information, it remains important to effectively govern that information in order to minimize risk while maintaining the information's value to the organization.
From the Experts: Unpaid Internships' Swan Song? Top
Two men who worked as unpaid interns on the 2010 Oscar-nominated film Black Swan have sued the film's production company for allegedly violating the FLSA and the New York Labor Law.
From Giant Google to Smaller In-house at The Square Top
The Square Inc. general counsel likes the flexibility of a small legal department.
Marin Software Hires First GC, Rashmi Garde Top
Marin Software, maker of an online advertising management platform, has hired Rashmi Garde as its first general counsel.
Moves: J. Martin Willhite Starring as Legendary Entertainment's GC Top
There's no business like show business, and J. Martin Willhite is giving up behind-the-scenes work for a leading lawyer role for Legendary Entertainment.
Moves: BBC Worldwide Casts Martyn Freeman for General Counsel Debut Top
Martyn Freeman will take responsibility for legal and business affairs, and policy and regulatory matters at BBC Worldwide, the global commercial arm of the BBC.
Moves: Patent Startup Article One Hires First General Counsel Top
Patent research company Article One Partners has opened an office in Palo Alto, Calif., and named its first general counsel, Monica Winghart, former head of IP litigation at Clorox.
Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Wellpoint Top reporter Shannon Green talks to general counsel John Cannon from Best Legal Department 2011 Finalist Wellpoint.


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