The latest from The Am Law Daily
- Legal Hiring Picks Up
- Sullivan & Cromwell Makes Rare London Lateral Hire
- Epstein Becker Loses Seven More Lawyers to Crowell & Moring
- MoFo Signs Lease for New Space in Midtown Tower
- Former Weil Bankruptcy 'Star' Leaves for Claims Trading Business
- Kirkland, Latham, Richards Layton Advise as Private Equity Shop Gobbles Up Pizza Chain
- Bratz Owner Seeks Nearly $130 Million in Legal Fees
Legal Hiring Picks Up | Top |
More and more job opportunities are opening up for lawyers as many law firms and markets look to expand following the recession. | |
Sullivan & Cromwell Makes Rare London Lateral Hire | Top |
Fraud expert Louise Delahunty is joining the firm's London office from Simmons & Simmons on June 20 as law firms continue to bolster their U.K. white-collar crime practices in advance of the implementation of the country's new Bribery Act. | |
Epstein Becker Loses Seven More Lawyers to Crowell & Moring | Top |
A day after Epstein Becker & Green lost its Houston office to Cozen O'Connor, seven lawyers are leaving the firm's San Francisco office for Crowell & Moring. One of the hires is William Helvestine, a former member of Epstein Becker's executive committee and managing partner of the Bay Area office. | |
MoFo Signs Lease for New Space in Midtown Tower | Top |
The firm is expected to move in to 250 West. 55th St. by 2014. Also, a health care private equity firm rents Howrey's New York office, and 7 World Trade Center is almost full. | |
Former Weil Bankruptcy 'Star' Leaves for Claims Trading Business | Top |
Lawyers and other advisers working on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers billed for another $27.1 million in April. While combing through the latest filings, we noticed that one top restructuring partner at lead counsel Weil Gotshal is no longer at the firm. | |
Kirkland, Latham, Richards Layton Advise as Private Equity Shop Gobbles Up Pizza Chain | Top |
A year after California Pizza Kitchen put itself up for sale, private equity firm Golden Gate Capital topped three other bidders to buy the Los Angeles–based chain for $470 million. | |
Bratz Owner Seeks Nearly $130 Million in Legal Fees | Top |
MGA Entertainment wants Mattel to pay nearly $130 million in legal fees racked up during a seven year battle over ownership of the Bratz doll line. | |
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