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Use Stoic philosophy to handle life and law practice |
What is the best way to get the most out of ourselves or others? One powerful way is the way of the Stoic, as illuminated by William B. Irvine in "A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy." He tells readers that the foundation of Stoic philosophy is to concentrate only on what we can control. Period. We cannot control the actions of others or the vagaries of life. So, do not set a goal of winning the tennis match. Set the goal of doing your best. He writes that a focus on winning may make it less likely that we win: "If it starts looking, early on, as though we are going to lose the match, we might become flustered, and this might negatively affect our playing in the remainder of the game. . . ." So, lawyers should work in the moment and be in the moment. Internalize your goals; do not externalize them. Irvine applies this to relationships. (This is a full-service blog). He writes that in a relationship the goal is not to make the other love you. No, the goal is to be lovable. Again, focus on what we can control, not on what we cannot. |
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