The latest from Texas Lawyer
- Former AG Gonzales "Disappointed" in His Own Conduct in DOJ Hiring
- Texas Legislature: House Passes Judicial System Overhaul Bill With 19 Amendments
- Two Former Jenkens & Gilchrist Partners Guilty in Tax Shelter Case
- Discipline
Former AG Gonzales "Disappointed" in His Own Conduct in DOJ Hiring | Top |
Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has said for the first time that "I am disappointed that I didn't do things differently" to stop the politicization of the system of hiring career Justice Department attorneys through its honors program during his time in office. Gonzales is teaching at Texas Tech University in Lubbock. | |
Texas Legislature: House Passes Judicial System Overhaul Bill With 19 Amendments | Top |
"I'm very glad that it passed. It's a lot of work by a lot of people over a long time to get that court organization and administration bill done," says Rep. Tryon Lewis, R-Odessa. This is the third legislative session to consider the provisions included in Senate Bill 1717, he says. One major provision in the original S.B. 1717 would make it easier for district courts to transfer cases and for judges to preside in another courtroom if a judge were sick or recused from a case. | |
Two Former Jenkens & Gilchrist Partners Guilty in Tax Shelter Case | Top |
Former Jenkens & Gilchrist partners Paul Daugerdas and Donna Guerin were found guilty by a federal jury on multiple counts for their role in a massive, illegal tax shelter scheme. The prosecution presented evidence of a conspiracy to devise, market and sell tax shelters with no economic substance and provide wealthy clients with paper losses that saved them hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. | |
Discipline | Top |
Two lawyers have been placed on probation, and another has received a publicly reprimand, the State Bar of Texas reported recently. | |
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