The latest from National Law Journal
- Next front in health battle
- In bin Laden killing, legal clarity
- Toyota dealers tell their tales
- A break in the blockade
- D.C. divorce lawyer, Nobel laureate feud
- THE PRACTICE: En banc review has declined during the past decade
- OPINION: Too late to save the legal profession?
- IN-HOUSE COUNSEL: What value do in-house lawyers produce?
Next front in health battle | Top |
Like toy soldiers standing on a carpeted battlefield, an array of groups and individuals has taken sides for the next front in the litigation assault on the new health care reform law. | |
In bin Laden killing, legal clarity | Top |
A light haze may have descended over a few segments of the narrative surrounding bin Laden's death, but the Obama administration is clear on this point: Killing Osama bin Laden was legal, and the methods employed to do so were lawful, too. | |
Toyota dealers tell their tales | Top |
Lawyers in nearly 100 lawsuits against Toyota Motor Corp. in California are getting one step closer to trial, with deliberations underway about which case should go first and depositions set to begin of dealers who sold allegedly defective vehicles. | |
A break in the blockade | Top |
The activists who closely follow judicial nominations have for months pondered a big question: Could the Republicans' increased numbers in the U.S. Senate succeed in blocking some of President Barack Obama's nominees? Last week, they got the beginning of an answer. | |
D.C. divorce lawyer, Nobel laureate feud | Top |
Washington divorce attorney Rita Bank has been litigating unhappy break-ups for more than a quarter-century. But next month, the family law heavyweight will find herself in court over an unamicable split with a renowned former client. | |
From the courts to the halls of Congress, our latest special report delves deep into the latest developments in intellectual property law — including an examination of the controversial joint infringement rulings that have divided the Federal Circuit, a look at a case that could restore copyrights to foreign works and how reform legislation could shake up challenges to new patents. | |
THE PRACTICE: En banc review has declined during the past decade | Top |
Trend has troubling implications, since en banc review is usually only option for reconsidering major circuit panel rulings. | |
OPINION: Too late to save the legal profession? | Top |
Rather than steering by the light of the sanctity of the "rule of law," firms today set their sights on profits for partners. | |
IN-HOUSE COUNSEL: What value do in-house lawyers produce? | Top |
Nine propositions should provoke discussion about what value means in a corporate legal department. | |
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