The latest from News And Views
- DLA Piper Explores Changes to Partner Compensation Overseas
- Compliance Officer Loses Wrongful Termination Claim in 8th Circuit Split Ruling
- Newcomer to Argue High-Stakes Foreclosure Case Before Fla. Supreme Court
- Legal Recruiter Sued Over Alleged False Promises and Misrepresentations
- ABA Panel Considering Boosting Job Protections for Nontraditional Faculty
- Dechert, Ballard Spahr Use Succession Planning to Ease Leadership Changes
- Senate Republican Joins the ABA's Inquisitors Regarding Law Schools
- 'Legal Sisterhood' Marks 30 Years of Support for Black Women Lawyers
- 11 Litigators Join Winstead From Beirne, Maynard & Parsons
- Office of Court Administration Urges Pay Raise for N.Y. State Judges
- Should I Aim for In-House or Another Law Firm?
- Tips on Transitioning From Accounting Firm to Law Firm?
DLA Piper Explores Changes to Partner Compensation Overseas | Top |
As DLA Piper continues its worldwide expansion, the firm is exploring a change to its compensation structure that would make equity partners of all its partners in overseas offices, Legal Week reported this week. DLA Piper's U.S. offices made the switch to an all-equity partnership in 2008. | |
Compliance Officer Loses Wrongful Termination Claim in 8th Circuit Split Ruling | Top |
In a split decision, the 8th Circuit has held that a health care company did not wrongfully terminate a compliance officer for complaining about the company's alleged plan to skirt Medicare regulations. The majority opinion noted that "speculation that [the company] was planning to break the law is contrary to undisputed fact." | |
Newcomer to Argue High-Stakes Foreclosure Case Before Fla. Supreme Court | Top |
Ice Legal senior associate Enrique Nieves III is prepping for his first appearance before the Florida Supreme Court in a case that may decide the fate of thousands of mortgage foreclosures by deciding whether banks can escape fraud claims in foreclosures by simply dropping their cases. | |
Legal Recruiter Sued Over Alleged False Promises and Misrepresentations | Top |
Attorney Chris L. Gilbert, now a partner in Bryan Cave in Dallas, has sued legal recruiter Diane Caldwell, who recruited him from K&L Gates in Nashville to Patton Boggs' Dallas office, alleging in part that she represented herself as an "independent recruiter" when she was on retainer from Patton Boggs. | |
ABA Panel Considering Boosting Job Protections for Nontraditional Faculty | Top |
An ABA committee is leaning toward extending job protections for law school clinicians, writing instructors and other nontraditional faculty, which would stop short of traditional tenure. The Standards Review Committee this week voiced initial support for a proposal that would result in two tiers of law professors. | |
Dechert, Ballard Spahr Use Succession Planning to Ease Leadership Changes | Top |
On July 1, two large firms -- Dechert and Ballard Spahr -- had official changes in leadership, and while each of the new leaders has his own plan and unique leadership style, they all spent more than a year moving into their new roles, which made for a pretty seamless transition. | |
Senate Republican Joins the ABA's Inquisitors Regarding Law Schools | Top |
Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter Monday to ABA President Stephen Zack asking 31 questions about how the ABA is regulating law schools. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., has written twice to Zack in recent months about law school transparency. | |
'Legal Sisterhood' Marks 30 Years of Support for Black Women Lawyers | Top |
As the Philadelphia chapter of the National Bar Association's Women Lawyers Division celebrates its 30th anniversary, black women attorneys say that the organization remains a rich source of support for them, and continues to be relevant even though strides have been made in the legal profession. | |
11 Litigators Join Winstead From Beirne, Maynard & Parsons | Top |
A group of 11 litigators has joined Winstead in Houston from Beirne, Maynard & Parsons. Jay Brown, Hilary Borow and Steve Wedemeyer moved over as shareholders and eight others came as associates. Dallas-based Winstead has brought on a total of 39 laterals so far in 2011. | |
Office of Court Administration Urges Pay Raise for N.Y. State Judges | Top |
Court administrators on Monday urged "an immediate and substantial" salary increase for 1,200 state judges who have not had a raise since January 1999, pressing for a raise of as much as 41 percent for state Supreme Court justices, who now make $136,700. | |
Should I Aim for In-House or Another Law Firm? | Top |
After 15 years at a litigation boutique, I need to move on. Do I go in-house or move to another firm? And any networking advice? | |
Tips on Transitioning From Accounting Firm to Law Firm? | Top |
I am a lawyer currently working for a Big 4 accounting firm, and I'd like to transition to a law firm and practice tax law. Is it true this is a difficult move? Any advice on making the transition easier? | |
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