The latest from National Law Journal
- Cutting to the bone
- ABA again confronts the diversity dilemma
- Mistrial result of blunder, experts agree
- Legal bills in Bratz doll fight are unsealed
- THE PRACTICE: Rules are evolving for postnuptial agreements
- OPINION: A loss for 'We the people'
- How are AmLaw 100 firms using Twitter?
- OPINION: Health law: bad policy, but constitutional
Cutting to the bone | Top |
Legal programs for the poor are bracing for a new round of potential budget cuts, three months after Congress took its shears to the largest source of their funding. | |
ABA again confronts the diversity dilemma | Top |
The organization is trying to reconcile the legal profession's need for greater diversity with its desire to push law schools to better prepare students to pass the bar. For the second time in four years, it is considering raising the minimum bar-passage-rate requirement as part of a comprehensive review of law school accreditation standards. | |
Mistrial result of blunder, experts agree | Top |
The sudden collapse of the prosecution was an embarrassment for the government, and observers were left wondering how the prosecution team could slip up in a case that has consumed significant resources and generated national scrutiny. | |
Legal bills in Bratz doll fight are unsealed | Top |
MGA Entertainment Inc., which requested $161 million in attorney fees and costs following its $88.5 million verdict against Mattel Inc., has acquiesced to a discovery master's recommendation that it collect $108 million in attorney fees, according to recently unsealed court documents. | |
From forecasting the effects of a protracted high-profile case to examining the key issues in make-whole claims and no-call provisions, our special report delves into the recent trends in bankruptcy litigation. | |
THE PRACTICE: Rules are evolving for postnuptial agreements | Top |
Connecticut's high court recently addressed their enforceability, holding that they require stricter scrutiny than prenups. | |
OPINION: A loss for 'We the people' | Top |
The high court's ruling in the Arizona public financing case is no win for free speech. | |
How are AmLaw 100 firms using Twitter? | Top |
Twitter presents one more platform for law firms to build their reputations. | |
OPINION: Health law: bad policy, but constitutional | Top |
Conservatives who favor judicial restraint should not criticize the recent 6th Circuit decision upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. | |
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