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Friday, June 17, 2011

Y! Alert: The Am Law Daily

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The latest from The Am Law Daily

Deals Update: Graham Officially Clears Way for Reynolds Deal Top
Graham Packaging and Silgan Holdings have terminated their pending deal, meaning Graham can move forward on its agreement to be acquired by Reynolds Group Holdings. Plus: SunPower's investors are backing a $1.3 billion takeover by Total.
The Churn: Lateral Moves and Promotions in The Am Law 200 Top
Akin Gump expands its health care practice; Fulbright & Jaworski welcomes a corporate partner; and K&L Gates adds partners in its Chicago and Shanghai offices. The Churn is constant. Please send all announcements to
Dechert, Simpson Thacher Land Roles on Two Big South American Deals Top
The two firms are advising on two separate transactions worth a combined total of nearly $2.5 billion involving coal mining and water utility operations in Colombia and Chile.
A Cromwell & Goodwin Victim Speaks Out Top
In April, The Am Law Daily broke the strange story of an apparently fictitious New York law firm that authorities in the United Kingdom subsequently labeled a fraud. Two months later, one man who says he was duped by the fake firm is shedding light on how the scam worked.
Ballard Spahr Hires New Client Interviewer Top
Sibling publication The Legal Intelligencer reports that Melissa Margulies signed on last week as the firm's designated client interviewer, a business development position that doesn't exist at most law firms.
Plugging Away: Howrey Still Committed to New York Power Project Top
Robert Green, a member of Howrey's dissolution committee, told an upstate New York newspaper that the firm intends to fulfill the terms of what has become a controversial contract connected to the creation of a new public power utility.
Justice Department Closes Case on bin Laden Top
A little more than a month after a U.S. special forces raid killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, the Justice Department has filed papers in federal court in New York seeking to close the case against the former al Qaeda leader.


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