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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Y! Alert: News And Views

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Even at Play, Lawyers Can Be Spotted at 50 Paces Top
Even lawyers have to recreate (as in recreation and as opposed to procreation) once in a while, notes the Rodent, but when they do, they tend to take their essential lawyer-ness with them to the playground. The Rodent discusses the telltale signs of lawyers at play.
Acquisition Gives Saul Ewing a Boston Presenc Top
Saul Ewing is set to open its 10th office on July 1 with the acquisition of nearly all of Boston-based real estate boutique Dionne & Gass. Seven of the boutique's nine lawyers will be coming aboard to form a Boston presence for Saul Ewing in a practice area that the firm has focused on for some time.
It's Certified: These Law Firms Empower Women Top
The Women in Law Empowerment Forum released on Tuesday the initial list of law firms qualifying for its new Gold Standard Certification -- a designation for firms that have integrated women in top leadership positions and compensated them well. WILEF National Chairwoman Elizabeth Anne Tursi said the results show "there is still a lot of work to be done."
Susan Hackett to Leave Association of Corporate Counsel Top
The longtime general counsel at the Association of Corporate Counsel is leaving ACC on June 30 to start a consulting practice. Susan Hackett, who was a candidate for ACC president and CEO, has been with the organization for 22 years and is credited with helping to boost its membership to more than 26,000.
Ince Freezes Pay Rates for Associates Top
Ince & Co has become the latest U.K. law firm to opt out of increasing its associate pay bands for the year ahead. In a statement, the firm said it believed the freeze "balances the need to provide a value-for-money service to clients with the need to attract and retain the best lawyers."
The Attributes of Winning Lawyers -- Part 2 Top
Consultant Frank D'Amore discusses five more traits that are embodied by many winning lawyers, in this second part of a two-part series. Among the traits D'Amore identifies are the ability to embrace change rather than clinging to routine and the ability to bounce back after a failure.
Another Practice Group Leader Leaves Holme Roberts Top
Holme Roberts & Owen is losing another practice group leader, as David Strong, the chair of the Denver-based firm's tax department, moves to Morrison & Foerster. Holme Roberts, which had 192 lawyers earlier this year, has seen a raft of departures in recent months.
Firm's New Recruiting Program Will Let 3Ls Work Remotely Top
Nashville-based Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis will officially launch its new approach to recruiting on July 5, when it will open the application process for 3L students seeking one of 10 six-week positions as apprentices who will work remotely -- while still in law school.
Blank Rome Acquires Texas Litigation Boutique Top
Blank Rome is set to enter the Texas market in a more official way with the acquisition of 10-attorney litigation boutique Abrams Scott & Bickley in Houston. The deal is expected to close June 30 and will add five partners to Blank Rome and give it a permanent office in the city.
SNR Denton U.K. Partners Seek Pay Clarification After Move to Merit-Based System Top
SNR Denton's U.K. partners are pushing management to confirm their individual share of the firm's profits, following last month's move to merit-based pay. Some are asking whether they will be paid in dollars or pounds. Denton Wilde Sapte and Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal merged in September 2010.
Diversity Increases Among High Court Practitioners Top
The demographics of the Supreme Court bar are changing, with last month's announcement that Indian-born Sri Srinivasan was taking the reins of O'Melveny & Myers' prestigious appellate practice just the latest sign that diversity is blossoming among high court practitioners.
Former Ga. County Clerk With Dementia Looks to Oust Successor Top
Former DeKalb County, Ga., Superior Court Clerk Linda Carter, who suffers from temporary episodes of dementia, has now filed a writ of quo warranto to oust her successor, whom she alleges tricked her into resigning when she did not comprehend what she was doing. Carter is seeking to return as clerk.
Firms Still Cautious in Summer Hiring Top
Summer associate programs have not gone the way of the dodo. That's the good news for second-year law students. But firms in Atlanta are staying cautious about hiring, with the notable exception of Alston & Bird, which almost doubled its Atlanta program to 32 summer associates, up from 17 last year.
New White House Counsel Ruemmler Praised as Savvy, Accomplished Top
Lawyers who have served as the White House counsel have often been giants of Washington's legal establishment. And as the next counsel to President Barack Obama, 40-year-old Kathryn Ruemmler may be a giant in the making -- if she can survive the politically grueling tests she's sure to face.
2 Lawyers, Including Former Name Partner, Leave Thompson Wigdor After Sanction Top
Name partner Scott B. Gilly and associate Gregory N. Filosa have left Thompson Wigdor & Gilly after the firm was sanctioned by a federal judge for allowing a client whom the two attorneys represented in an employment discrimination case to conceal she had been hired at a new company for more money.
Should I Aim for In-House or Another Law Firm? Top
After 15 years at a litigation boutique, I need to move on. Do I go in-house or move to another firm? And any networking advice?
Tips on Transitioning From Accounting Firm to Law Firm? Top
I am a lawyer currently working for a Big 4 accounting firm, and I'd like to transition to a law firm and practice tax law. Is it true this is a difficult move? Any advice on making the transition easier?


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