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Friday, June 17, 2011

Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel

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The latest from Corporate Counsel

Moves: Covington Partner Anthony Herman Named FEC General Counsel Top
Covington & Burling partner Anthony Herman was named general counsel of the Federal Election Commission, replacing acting general counsel, P. Christopher Hughey.
Why Didn't the Maryland U.S. Attorney Sign the Lauren Stevens Indictment? Top
Maryland U.S. attorney Rod Rosenstein refused to sign the Lauren Stevens indictments because he didn't think there was enough evidence to support the charges.
CorpCounsel Blog Roll Top
Recently, reached out to our reporters and @CorpCounsel Twitter followers to ask, "What are the best law blogs for in-house counsel?"
Aparna Dave on Wells Fargo's Social Media Successes Top
Aparna Dave, intellectual property counsel at Wells Fargo talks about what companies need to be aware of when creating social media policies and what they need to do after those policies have been developed.
Sullivan & Cromwell Hits RIM with Smartphone Infringement Suit for Dolby International Top
One day after Nokia made patent peace with Apple, Dolby International sued Research in Motion for allegedly infringing BlackBerry audio patents.
The Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform Hits a New Snag Top
The Prior Art rounds up a trio of IP stories: Apple Steps in for App Developers; Tattoo Removal Gets the Hollywood Treatment; and A New Hurdle for Patent Reform.
At Facebook, Learning to Like Patents Top
Facebook General Counsel Theodore Ullyot recognizes the need to stockpile patents to ward off potentially devastating litigation.
Q&A: PepsiCo GC Maura Abeln Smith, Part 2 Top
PepsiCo GC Maura Abeln Smith discusses the need for GCs to have business-side credentials, along with some of the other challenges that both male and female in-house lawyers face if they want to move up the corporate ladder.
Boeing/NLRB Case Gets Underway in Seattle with Motion to Dismiss Top
The proceeding to hear the National Labor Relations Board's unfair labor practice complaint against Boeing opened in Seattle with Boeing attorney William Kilberg making a motion to dismiss.
From the Experts: Bankruptcy and E-Discovery Top
Parties to bankruptcy litigation have plenty to keep them busy. Don't let e-discovery issues make the process even more cumbersome.
From the Experts: It's Not Easy Being Green Top
California has new Green Chemistry "Safer Product Alternatives" regulations about to enter the books. What should companies be doing now to prepare?
Moves: Susan Hackett Leaves Association of Corporate Counsel Top
The Association of Corporate Counsel announced that longtime GC Susan Hackett is leaving, effective June 30. Hackett will be starting her own Washington, D.C.-based consulting practice, Legal Executive Leadership.
Moves: Casey Jorgensen Becomes First GC for USA Hockey Top
Longtime hockey fan and player Casey Jorgensen skates into a new role as USA Hockey's first GC.
Moves: Mary Jane Saunders is The Beer Institute's New GC Top
In a "subs to suds" move, The Beer Institute, the national trade association for the brewing industry, has brought on former Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust GC Mary Jane Saunders as its new general counsel.
Moves: Rich Baer Gets GC Spot at UnitedHealth Group Incorporated Top
UnitedHealth Group Inc. has brought on ex-Qwest Communications International, Inc., general counsel Rich Baer.
Moves: Fournier "Boots" Gale III Named SEVP and GC of Regions Financial Corporation Top
Regions Financial Corporation has named Fournier "Boots" Gale III as its senior executive vice president and general counsel.
Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Google Top reporter David Hechler toured the unusual office spaces occupied by Best Legal Department 2011 Winner Google.


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