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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Y! Alert: The Am Law Daily

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The latest from The Am Law Daily

As MLB and Players Strike Labor Pact, A Look at Union's Legal Bills for Last Five Years Top

It turns out that labor peace in a major U.S. professional sports league can be achieved without lockouts or litigation. And while the quick resolution of the current contract talks between Major League Baseball and its players should keep the related legal bills relatively low this year, The Am Law Daily has the breakdown on how much the union spent on attorneys over the past five years.

The Young Lions Top

The American Lawyer's survey of new partners finds them bright and frisky, but anxious about clients, firm policies and politics, and whether they can become kings (and queens) of the jungle.

Davis Polk, S&C on $1.1 Billion Merger of Japanese Exchanges Top

Davis Polk & Wardwell is representing Tokyo Stock Exchange Group and Sullivan & Cromwell is advising rival Osaka Securities Exchange in a deal that would create the world's third-largest trading exchange. 

Law School Debt Bubble: Aggregate Law School Grad Debt Grew $475 Million Between 2008 and 2010 Top

Using American Bar Association and U.S. News data, it's easy to calculate the total amount of debt that law school graduates take on. It's a big number, and taxpayers will ultimately take a loss on it.

S&C Gets Call from UnitedHealth on Takeover of Medicare Specialist Top

Sullivan & Cromwell is representing longtime client UnitedHealth Group on its purchase of supplemental Medicare insurer XLHealth from private equity firm MatlinPatterson Global Advisers.

Wachtell, Gibson Dunn Advise as Alleghany Wins Fight to Acquire Transatlantic Top

Insurer Alleghany will pay about $3.4 billion to buy Transatlantic Holdings, a company that has attracted multiple takeover attempts over the past several months.

Skadden, S&C Advise on $11 Billion Biotech Drug Deal Top

Gilead Sciences plans to buy hepatitis drug developer Pharmasset for $11 billion, with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom representing the former and Sullivan & Cromwell advising the latter.

The Careerist: Are Asian American Lawyers Still Too Nerdy? Top

Plenty of Asian American lawyers have Tiger Moms, which is why so many of them get jobs with big, prestigious firms. But is all that striving for academic excellence hampering their success?

Expansion-Minded Kasowitz Opens Silicon Valley Office Top

In the latest expansion for Kasowitz's intellectual property group, the firm is opening an office in Redwood Shores, California, that will be headed by former Weil partner Douglas Lumish. 

Dealmaker of the Week: Matthew Layton of Clifford Chance Top

Layton led the Clifford Chance team advising Citigroup and EMI on the sale of the latter's recorded music and publishing units in separate deals to, respectively, Universal Music Group and an investment group led by Sony Corporation of America.



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