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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Penn State Appoints Former FBI Director Freeh to Lead Investigation Top
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh has been hired by Penn State as special investigative counsel to review gaps in in-house policies and procedures in the wake of child sexual abuse charges against former football coach Jerry Sandusky. Freeh has already assembled a team of former FBI investigators and federal prosecutors, some of whom have expertise in child predator cases and compliance matters. The team has established a hotline to receive tips and information.
Stephens Media, Righthaven affiliate, concedes that brief Web excerpt is fair use Top
The latest chapter in the Nevada federal court saga launched by aggressive copyright plaintiff Righthaven LLC is a concession by its affiliate, Las Vegas Review-Journal publisher Stephens Media, that a brief news article excerpt in an online forum is not copyright infringement.
Foreclosure Law Firm to Close Top
New York's largest foreclosure firm, Steven J. Baum P.C., has announced "mass layoffs," signaling that the firm is closing its doors. The move followed recent decisions by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to stop referring new cases to the embattled firm.
Boies, Skadden File $25 Billion Suit Against U.S. for Hank Greenberg over AIG 'Backdoor Bailouts' Top
Starr International, which is run by former American International Group CEO Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, is accusing the government of violating AIG shareholders' due process rights and using its 80 percent stake in AIG to "covertly funnel billions of dollars to other preferred financial institutions."
Judge: Ted Stevens Investigation Reveals Prosecutorial Misconduct Top
A special prosecutor's report investigating allegations of misconduct in the investigation and prosecution of the late Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens reveals "systemic concealment" of evidence but does not recommend that any of the government's lawyers face criminal charges, a federal judge said Monday.
Judge Sam Sparks of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas Top
U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks of Austin talks about the role of humor in the courtroom.
Recorder Roundtable: Employment Law Top
Four experts discussed recent developments in employment law at a Recorder Roundtable on Nov. 9 in San Francisco.
John D. Green on Improving the User Experience Top
John D. Green, CIO of Baker Donelson, speaks at ILTA with LTN's editor in chief, Monica Bay, about an initiative to improve the user experience at his firm by tracking and mapping every application in use using the Aternity Frontline Performance Intelligence software.
Janet Day on Law Firm IT 'Nirvana' Top
LTN reporter Evan Koblentz speaks with Berwin Leighton Paisner CIO Janet Day about her "concept of nirvana," in which the consumerization of IT in law firms -- where lawyers use and maintain their favorite devices for work -- makes the help desk unnecessary. Koblentz and Day also discuss Hewlett-Packard's move to become more consumer-focused as Apple potentially becomes more business-focused.
Former NFL players sue Greenberg Traurig over bad casino investment Top
Three former NFL players have filed suit against Greenberg Traurig and one of its Florida shareholders, claiming the law firm failed to warn them against investing in an Alabama casino that turned out to be a scam. A fourth player filed suit against the financial advisers in the casino deal.
Wall Street Protesters File Federal Lawsuit Top
Attorney Ronald L. Kuby filed suit Monday on behalf of two people he said were swept up as part of an "indiscriminate mass arrest" after demonstrators and Citibank account holders went to a Manhattan branch of Citibank to close their accounts on Oct. 15. The couple claim police brutality.
Malpractice Suit Proceeds Against Pryor Cashman Top
A legal malpractice lawsuit filed by the trustees to a union's benefit funds against Pryor Cashman for failing to provide advice that would have prevented the funds' third-party administrator from embezzling $42 million may go forward, a New York appellate panel has ruled.
Moss Sides With Plaintiffs in Reglan Mass Tort Top
A Philadelphia trial judge overseeing mass tort litigation involving the digestive drug Reglan has denied a bid by generic manufacturers to dismiss claims against them in roughly 2,000 lawsuits on the basis of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Heller Creditors Push to Yank Claims from Bankruptcy Court Top
A federal district court judge on Friday questioned Orrick's motives in trying to yank its fee dispute with the Heller Ehrman estate out of bankruptcy court, asking whether the move was in part fueled by a desire to avoid an adverse ruling from a federal bankruptcy judge.
Patent Auction Draws Crowd, If Not Bids Top
Of the nearly 30 lots of intellectual property offered at last week's ICAP Ocean Tomo patent auction, only five sold, for a total of $1.8 million -- a big change from the $14.3 million yield at last year's auction. But lawyers say the relative lack of bids doesn't signal a waning interest in patents.
Fired Rabbi Loses Bid to Reveal Names of Bloggers Top
A Rockland County, N.Y., rabbi cannot force Google to reveal the identities of bloggers who wrote about his alleged sexual relations with female congregants, a judge has ruled. Rabbi Mordecai Tendler was fired from a New Hempstead congregation following an investigation into the allegations.
Bill Declares Hand-Held Cell Phone Use Reckless Driving, Increases Penalties Top
Legislation introduced this month in New Jersey would make cellphone chatting behind the wheel a reckless driving offense that carries drivers license and insurance points, higher fines and possible imprisonment.
Former HOPE board member guilty of theft from clients Top
A Savannah, Ga., attorney who was until last month one of 13 board members of the state commission that administers Georgia's HOPE scholarship pleaded guilty last week to a federal charge of embezzling more than $50,000 from his clients.
Lawyers Arrested For Evading Limits On Bank Deposits Top
Two New Jersey lawyers have been arrested and charged with circumventing bank reporting requirements by breaking down $354,000 in client funds into attorney trust account deposits of less than $10,000 each. The partners in the two-lawyer firm surrendered to IRS agents.


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