Law Journal Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel ~ lawyer,attorney,legal information
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel

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The latest from Corporate Counsel

Firms Redoubling Their Efforts Towards Minority Associates Top
Despite a recessionary setback, firms are working to hire and promote more minority associates.
AIG General Counsel Thomas Russo is Back in the Game Top
From the ashes of Lehman Brothers, a general counsel stepped into another monumental challenge.
Going Beyond Stupid Pet Tricks with Vimeo's GC Top
The video site's general counsel talks about quality and user-generated content.
Patent Auction Draws Crowd, If Not Bids Top
Not all patent portfolios are selling for record-breaking prices these days.
Are Asian-American Lawyers Still Too Nerdy to Get to the Top? Top
At the recent National Asian Pacific American Bar Association event in Atlanta, one of the hot discussions at the convention was whether Asian-American lawyers are dweebs.
Samsung Makes Apple Patent-Litigation Plans for 2012 Top
With a month and a half left to go in 2011, it looks like Samsung Electronics Co. has already made big plans for 2012: kicking its patent-infringement litigation efforts against Apple into high gear.
Google's Patent Counsel on the Ongoing Tech-Patent Wars Top
In a recent interview, Google patent counsel Tim Porter discusses the ongoing patent spats over its Android smartphone operating system, which has led to sparring between the web-search giant and such industry heavyweights as Apple and Microsoft.
Porno and Madison Avenue, Strange Bedfellows Top
The new .xxx. top level domain suggests curious relationships between seemingly unrelated industries, and highlights the notion that the Internet is fundamentally broken.
CorpCounsel Coverage of the Penn State Abuse Case Top
A roundup of articles delving into the many in-house legal angles of the Penn State football program sexual abuse case.
From the Experts: Unpaid Internships' Swan Song? Top
Two men who worked as unpaid interns on the 2010 Oscar-nominated film Black Swan have sued the film's production company for allegedly violating the FLSA and the New York Labor Law.
From the Experts: Providing Third-Party Information to the Government Top
Once taken for granted, the confidentiality of information provided by third parties to the government during the course of nonpublic antitrust investigations can no longer be presumed.
Marin Software Hires First GC, Rashmi Garde Top
Marin Software, maker of an online advertising management platform, has hired Rashmi Garde as its first general counsel.
Moves: J. Martin Willhite Starring as Legendary Entertainment's GC Top
There's no business like show business, and J. Martin Willhite is giving up behind-the-scenes work for a leading lawyer role for Legendary Entertainment.
Moves: BBC Worldwide Casts Martyn Freeman for General Counsel Debut Top
Martyn Freeman will take responsibility for legal and business affairs, and policy and regulatory matters at BBC Worldwide, the global commercial arm of the BBC.
Moves: Patent Startup Article One Hires First General Counsel Top
Patent research company Article One Partners has opened an office in Palo Alto, Calif., and named its first general counsel, Monica Winghart, former head of IP litigation at Clorox.
Moves: A People's Voice Top
Johnson Publishing Company, the largest African American?owned publishing firm in the United States, has appointed Kevin Ridley as its next general counsel.
Best Legal Department 2011 Video: Wellpoint Top reporter Shannon Green talks to general counsel John Cannon from Best Legal Department 2011 Finalist Wellpoint.


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