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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Y! Alert: - Newswire

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Tough sale for plaintiffs in Wal-Mart case Top
The massive gender discrimination class action against retail giant Wal-Mart ran into strong resistance at the Supreme Court on Tuesday, after surviving lower court challenges ever since it was launched 10 years ago.
Actions Seeking to Hold Merrill Officers Liable for Losses Dismissed Top
A federal judge has rejected two derivative actions seeking to hold Merrill Lynch officers and directors liable for enormous losses in the market for collateralized debt obligations and other mortgage-backed securities.
Evidence suppressed in FCPA prosecution Top
A judge has suppressed statements by a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act defendant who wasn't told of his Miranda rights during an FBI raid, but denied motions to dismiss the charges on ground of prosecutorial misconduct.
Argentina Wins Another Billion-Dollar Battle with Bondholders; Judge Rules Argentine Bank Is Not Republic's Alter Ego Top
Finding that Argentine bank Banco de la Nacion Argentina is not an alter ego of the Republic of Argentina, a New York judge has cut off a bondholder group's attempt to recover from the bank about $2.2 billion in judgments against Argentina.
Baker & Hostetler Brings On 17 Former Howrey Litigators Top
A former co-chair of Howrey's global litigation practice joins Baker & Hostetler with 16 colleagues, including the co-chairs of the defunct firm's commercial trial and environmental, product, and tort practice groups.
Be Careful What You Wish For: Eleventh Circuit Decertifies Class in General Mills Yoplait Case--But Tells Trial Judge to Recertify Even Bigger Class Top
Decertifying a Florida class that purchased YoPlus yogurt for its claimed digestive benefits, the 11th Circuit instead concluded the class should include all Florida YoPlus customers, whether they relied on the health claims or not.
San Jose Judge Rules Anti-Spam Law Applies to Fake Facebook Pages Top
A ruling in Facebook's suit against MaxBounty answers a question 9th Circuit courts had previously not directly addressed: Does a federal anti-spam law apply to social networking communications in which no email inbox is involved?
Judge Rules GSK's 'Nerve Center' in Phila. for Paxil Suits Top
A federal judge has ruled that GSK cannot claim Delaware citizenship for purposes of federal diversity jurisdiction because its Delaware office is nothing more than a rarely used "closet" that measures 10 feet by 10 feet and is almost never used.
Embarrassed Panel Rethinks Ruling on Fee Arbitration Top
Calling its earlier handling of a case "embarrassing," a California appeal court sounded ready Tuesday to undo an opinion that said a volunteer arbitrator should have disclosed that he regularly represents law firms in fee disputes.
3rd Circuit Makes Quick Work of Appeal in BP Suit Top
A negligence case against the company that leased the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon oil rig to British Petroleum is on its way back to Delaware Superior Court, after the 3rd Circuit quickly rejected defendants' appeal.
Sanction Upheld for Abusive and Obtructionist Discovery Conduct Top
A federal appeals court has affirmed an $18,386 sanction against a firm for an associate's repeated interjections during her expert witness's deposition, conduct the court called "abusive, unprofessional, and obstructionist."
How Prominent Law Firm Adorno & Yoss Spiraled to Its Death Top
After Adorno & Yoss co-founder Henry "Hank" Adorno's Florida bar license was suspended, the firm's partners held an emergency meeting on Halloween and agreed to keep the firm alive, as Yoss LLP. But in early March, the firm announced it would be closing within three weeks. What happened?Visit News & Views
11th Circuit Upholds Rejection of $97 Million Nicaragua Verdict in Pesticide Case Top
The 11th Circuit has upheld a Miami judge's decision rejecting a $97 million award by a Nicaraguan judge for workers who claim they were sickened by pesticides used on banana plantations. The ruling castigated the Latin American nation's justice system as biased and corrupt.Visit International News


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