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Friday, April 1, 2011

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Court Affirms Dismissal of Judge's Suit Claiming Bias in Judicial Assignments Top
A federal appeals panel affirms dismissal of a suit by former Superior Court Judge Patricia Talbert, who claimed race and gender biases were at the heart of her assignment to inferior positions and ultimately led to her descent from the bench.
Supreme Court Places Strictures on Police Offering Lay Opinions at Trial Top
The New Jersey Supreme Court hands a victory to criminal defense lawyers, holding that a police officer not qualified as an expert can't proffer lay opinion that goes to the issue of the defendant's guilt.
Attorney Draws Suspension, Not for Bad Bookkeeping but for Lying About It Top
The state Supreme Court has suspended for three months a West Orange attorney who didn't cook the books but did cook up a story to cover up negligent misappropriation of trust funds.
Court Ponders How To Make Valuation Of Marital Home Long After Divorce Top
The state Supreme Court tackles the question of how to divide, decades after a divorce, marital property that has since mushroomed in value.
New Rules on Eyewitness Identification May Be in the Offing Top
The state Supreme Court may be on the verge of adopting tougher standards for the admissibility of eyewitness identifications in criminal trials.
Foreclosures in N.J. To Resume as Would-be Intervenors Are Locked Out Top
The judge overseeing the state's plan to clean up foreclosure procedures, on Tuesday approved a settlement in the matter while turning away three prospective intervenors who criticized it as not having enough teeth.
EMT Immunity Statute To Be Read by Level of Care Provided, Court Says Top
A state appeals court extends statutory immunity for intermediate-level emergency medical technicians to basic-level EMTs who provide advanced service.
Plaintiffs in Condo-Stabbings Suit Say Police Chief Tampered With Witnesses Top
The family of the victims of stabbings at a Linwood retirement community, having recovered more than $1 million from the assailant, is now proceeding against the city and its police chief, alleging that the chief tried to tamper with police witness testimony.
Municipal Judge Faces Ethics Charges For Moonlighting as Mayor's Lawyer Top
A former municipal judge accused of doing legal work for his town's mayor while serving on the bench has been charged with judicial ethics violations.
Seeking Wider Space, Wilson Elser To Leave Newark for Florham Park Top
The Newark office of Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, established nearly three decades ago, is moving to the greener pastures of Florham Park.
Muslim Woman Can Sue Over MVC Not Allowing License Photo in Head Scarf Top
A Muslim woman who claims she was denied a driver's license because she refused to remove her headdress for the photograph and then was arrested can go forward with her discrimination suit.
Informal Talk With Eventual Defendant Should Not Disqualify, Lawyer Argues Top
The state Supreme Court will decide whether a late-night conversation with the owner of a karaoke bar is enough to disqualify a lawyer from representing a plaintiff in a suit against him.
Pipeline Retroactivity Given to Mandate On Translating Breath-Test Instructions Top
The Appellate Division applies retroactively a state Supreme Court decision that requires informing drivers of the testing process, and warning of the consqeuences of refusal, in a language they can understand.
Paralegals Given Wider Latitude in Signing Business Correspondence Top
It's time to lift New Jersey's longstanding ban on paralegals signing nonsubstantive correspondence, say two state Supreme Court committees.
Sanction Upheld for Abusive and Obstructionist Discovery Conduct Top
A federal appeals court has affirmed an $18,386 sanction against a firm for an associate's repeated interjections during the deposition of her expert witness, conduct the court called "abusive, unprofessional, and obstructionist."
Court Weighs Eternal Question: Is it a Judge's Prerogative To Change His Mind? Top
It's said that intelligence allows for a change of mind, but a judge who rethought and reversed his own summary judgment ruling after hearing new evidence has caused consternation enough to demand the state Supreme Court's intervention.
Justices Say Arbitration Orders Are Final and Appealable as Of That Date Top
Orders compelling or denying arbitration are final for purposes of appeal, even if the litigation continues for other parties, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.
Ethics Panel Recommends Censure for Perskie Over Role in Malpractice Case Top
The Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct has recommended that retired Superior Court Judge Steven Perskie be censured for ethical violations while presiding over a legal malpractice case.
Small Investors Who Lost Savings To Get Help at Seton Hall Law School Top
A new program at Seton Hall University School of Law will provide free legal assistance to investors with modest claims or means in disputes with brokers.
Convicted Qwest Ex-CEO Files Malpractice Suit Against Stern Top
Herbert Stern, a former federal judge and U.S. attorney for New Jersey, has been sued by Qwest's ex-CEO, who claims he was convicted of insider trading and paid $70 million in penalties because Stern botched his defense.
Master's Abbott Ruling Sets Stage for Confrontation Between Court, Christie Top
When Judge Peter Doyne ruled Tuesday that the state is once again failing to live up to its educational obligations, he set up a likely clash between the Supreme Court and the governor.
Undocumented Worker Can Continue Lost-Wage Claim for Disabling Injury Top
An illegal immigrant's claim for lost wages in a personal injury suit is not barred by a federal law prohibiting employment of undocumented workers, a federal judge in Trenton has ruled.
Unsigned Confessions Can Be Used To Assist Witnesses During Trial Top
A 60-year-old precedent barring admission of unsigned confessions has been replaced by newer evidence rules, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday in permitting those statements to be used to refresh a witness's memory.
Court Orders Resentencing Over Consecutive Extended Life Terms Top
A state appeals court on Monday reinforced restrictions on the number of extended terms imposed for separate crimes, ordering a reduction in a sentence in an armed robbery case.
Kelley Drye Disqualified Over Access To Ex-Client's Confidential Documents Top
Kelley Drye & Warren was knocked out of defending a longtime client Monday against a lawsuit by a company the firm represented when it was sold in 2008.
Suit Claims Giordano, Halleran Botched Land Deal and Then Engaged in Coverup Top
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla has been hit with a legal malpractice suit that claims a mishandled real estate transaction cost a developer $3 million.
Prosecutors, OAE Can Share Files If Investigations Are Kept Separate Top
Information obtained in an Office of Attorney Ethics probe may be used later in a criminal prosecution under certain guidelines, a state appeals court said Monday.
Bar Now Has Two Contested Races on Its Hands — for Secretary, Trustee Top
In an unusual situation, two contenders have successfully petitioned for ballot slots against candidates handpicked by the New Jersey State Bar Association's nominating committee.
Suit Alleges Pattern of Discrimination Against Women at Bayer Healthcare Top
A putative class action in U.S. court in Newark is seeking $100 million for women at Bayer Healthcare who allegedly are paid less than men and are denied advancement opportunities.


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