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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Y! Alert: National Law Journal

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The latest from National Law Journal

AALS urges delay in debate over law school accreditation standards Top
The Association of American Law Schools is not pleased with the American Bar Association's effort to update its law school accreditation standards, and has asked that the review be put on hold to allow for a broader debate about the purpose and vision of accreditation.
Courtside: Justice Scalia — a legendary lead foot? Top
At the Court, few were surprised to hear about Justice Scalia's car accident Tuesday. Scalia has a reputation for having a lead foot that activates when he is running late getting to Court from his home in suburban Virginia. A skit by Court clerks once mocked his driving habits. And colleague Justice David Souter even joked during an oral argument about Scalia's fast driving.
Malpractice suit revived against Armstrong Teasdale Top
A federal appeals court has revived a legal malpractice lawsuit brought against Armstrong Teasdale by a former client who claims that the law firm had a conflict of interest when it represented him in developing a technology company.
Federal Circuit sanctions lawyer for improper confidentiality markings in briefs Top
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has sanctioned Katten Muchin Rosenman partner Daniel Shapiro with a $1,000 fine for the "extensive use of improper confidentiality markings."
7th Circuit rejects terrorism victims' bid to seize Iranian assets in Chicago museums Top
Victims of a brutal 1997 suicide bombing in Jerusalem lost a bid to seize Iranian assets in the United States Tuesday, when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit ruled that a federal judge in Chicago improperly rejected Iran's sovereign immunity in the case.


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