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Friday, April 1, 2011

Y! Alert: News And Views

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Working Smart: Create a Mentor Network Top
To boost your career advancement as a lawyer, you should make use of a mentoring network, says consultant Valerie Fontaine. She explains why it's a good idea to have several mentors to count on, as well as a sponsor, and why mentors and sponsors are not the same thing.
March Brings More Job Losses in Legal Sector Top
Paralegals Given Wider Latitude in Signing Business Correspondence Top
Paralegals should be able to sign routine correspondence to clients, adversaries or judicial tribunals, according to a joint opinion of two New Jersey Supreme Court committees. The opinion, which lifts a long-standing ban, has the imprimatur of the court unless and until it is overturned.
Report: Associate Hiring Fueled Lateral Moves in 2010 Top
A NALP report shows an increase in lateral hiring in 2010, driven mostly by mobility in the associate ranks. Lateral associate hiring rose by 61 percent, while partner hiring increased by 8.4 percent.
Teaching the Business of Law Top
Six years ago, adjunct professor Maurice Zilber started a course entitled "The Business of the Practice of Law," teaching skills that he believes are as essential as knowledge of substantive law and professional responsibility. Have his students made use of that learning? Zilber decides to find out.
Legal Watchdog Set to Scrutinize Law Firms' Outsourcing Deals Top
Some British law firms may have to renegotiate their outsourcing arrangements as the Solicitors Regulation Authority moves to regulate outsourcing for the first time, asserting it should be given access to firms' outsourcing contracts and files as well as potentially to outsourcers' premises.
'Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances' Gain Lawyer Reinstatement Top
A New York appeals court has reinstated an attorney who, after falling prey to drug addiction, has "turned his life around" and now counsels former drug addicts and runs a successful sandwich shop as well as a non-profit that provides job training to high school students.
New Partner Numbers Doubled at Largest Texas Firms This Year Top
At 23 of the largest firms in Texas, nearly twice as many partners/shareholders were named in 2011 as in 2010. None of the firms Texas Lawyer spoke with say the improved economy is the primary reason for more new partners; several firms say more lawyers were eligible this year.
Commentary: Create Your Mentors Top
At each of his legal jobs, says Qwest Communications GC Rich Baer, he has had at least one and often several great mentors. And no matter how busy they were, they always took the time to provide wise counsel, says Baer, because he knew enough to ask for it.
Perkins' Outsourcing Chief Moving to Sheppard Top
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton has wooed outsourcing partner Shaalu Mehra and three associates from Perkins Coie to its Palo Alto, Calif., office. Marc Sockol, the partner in charge of Sheppard's Palo Alto office, has been trying to recruit Mehra for about five years.
Should I Aim for In-House or Another Law Firm? Top
After 15 years at a litigation boutique, I need to move on. Do I go in-house or move to another firm? And any networking advice?
Tips on Transitioning From Accounting Firm to Law Firm? Top
I am a lawyer currently working for a Big 4 accounting firm, and I'd like to transition to a law firm and practice tax law. Is it true this is a difficult move? Any advice on making the transition easier?


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