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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Y! Alert: Corporate Counsel

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The latest from Corporate Counsel

GC Madariaga Sues UBP for Promised Post-Madoff Wages Top
Former Union Bancaire Privée, SA general counsel Elena De Madariaga has taken the Swiss bank to court for breach of oral contract and fraud, citing her efforts on behalf of clients swindled by Thomas Petters and Bernard Madoff.
"Trademark Bullying": Catchy Phrase In Search of a Problem? Top
After reviewing comments from IP stakeholders and an ABA survey, a Commerce Department report concluded: "It is unclear whether small businesses are disproportionately harmed by enforcement tactics that are based on an unreasonable interpretation of the scope of an owner's rights."
Rambus Loses Crucial Ruling at Federal Circuit; GC "Very Disappointed" Top
Rambus senior vice president and general counsel Thomas Lavelle said: "We are very disappointed with the [court's] decision" that the technology licensing company improperly destroyed millions of pages of documents in advance of litigation.
Citing Revolving Door, Watchdog Report Questions SEC's Independence Top
The Project on Government Oversight analyzed hundreds of internal Securities and Exchange Commission documents and is questioning the SEC's ability to remain independent given the "revolving door" frequency with which its employees jump between the public and private sectors.
At Long Last, Government Case Against Microsoft Has Ended Top
Microsoft Corp. is free of federal oversight nearly 10 years after reaching a final antitrust agreement with the U.S. government. But some lawyers are skeptical about just what the settlement achieved.
Next Stop for TiVo-EchoStar Battle: Supreme Court? Top
How important to Tivo is the outcome of its epic patent infringement battle with EchoStar Communications? Last May, when the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit granted EchoStar's request for an en banc hearing, Tivo's stock dropped nearly 42 percent. On Wednesday, the en banc panel issued its decision and Tivo's stock closed 30 percent higher.
Bratz Attorney Portrayed Mattel as "Corporate Mega-Monster" Top
A federal jury on April 21 ordered Mattel Inc. to pay $88.4 million in damages to MGA Entertainment Inc. in a dispute against Mattel Inc. over ownership of the Bratz line of dolls. The first time the case hit a courtroom.
China Market Report: Shifting into Higher Gear Top
Chinese state-owned automaker BAIC and its general counsel hope that its quest for whole-car technology will help it zoom past its local rivals.
The Social Network Top
An Asian bar group is helping its members polish their people skills--and land more in-house jobs.
Do Not Track Me Top
Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon IP lawyer Dominique R. Shelton and litigator Clinton J. McCord look at recent developments in regulation of advertisers' online user tracking.
Facebook's Impact on Compliance Codes Top
Social media policies, believe it or not, are still a new phenomenon. And most companies have not yet integrated them into their overall compliance codes.
Playboy Picks Up Top Lawyer From Penthouse, While Penthouse Puts Its Stuff On the Market Top
Owners of adult publications Playboy and Penthouse were busy on the legal front, as the former hired a new general counsel and the latter announced plans to move forward with an initial public offering.
General Counsel Profile: Adam Tachner Top
Atheros Communications' GC has been in wireless since before wireless was cool.
JPMorgan Chase Names Matthew Biben General Counsel/Home Lending, Senior Legal Adviser Top
That's right, you can bank on this move! Matthew Biben will join JPMorgan Chase on March 14 as general counsel of home lending and senior legal adviser for the firm.
Lawyer Loses License For Advising Clients to Break Into Foreclosed Homes Top
The State Bar of California has removed the law license of Michael T. Pines, a lawyer who garnered substantial media coverage for advising clients to break into their foreclosed homes.
ACC Taps Veta Richardson as New President, CEO Top
EXCLUSIVE: Veta Richardson tells it's time 'to take things to the next level' as the Association of Corporate Counsel announces that it's hired the current head of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association to succeed outgoing president Fred Krebs.
You Need to Network with Everybody Top
Don Liu has worked hard to increase the number of Asian Pacific American general counsel in the Fortune 500 companies. It?s important, he says, for Asian American lawyers to polish their social skills.


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